There is nothing more exhilarating or exhausting then the beginning of a new school year, but I honestly feel like this year, the exhilaration far outweighed the exhaustion on our campus. With the influx of a whole crop of new faces and new teams and the creative planning of the members of administration on all levels, there was much fun and a whole lot of learning to be had. Here are some of the memories from these last two weeks that I will carry with me throughout this, my 30th year in education. Enjoy!
Our EISD Ed Tech iVenger's Team just keeps getting stronger. This summer we welcomed Juan Orazco to our team. Juan comes from Region 13 via AISD via the Bronx and Puerto Rico. He is an Ed Tech legend in this area and we are so lucky to have him. I was able to be his back up for part of the day today as he led his first EISD training on all things Google. Juan definitely lived up to his legendary status by delivering a perfectly paced, packed with learning day to a very engaged audience. Welcome aboard, Juan! |
Debbie Smith
Educational Technologist Categories
January 2018