Filming continues on in this week after Spring Break. Here are some photos from our adventure.
Right before Spring Break, we busted out the iPads and started filming. Within the class, we had a varitey of film genres being produced:one documentary and one narrative and multiple stop motion animations. Erin found a great app called iStopMotion for iPad and we bought just enough seats to make it possible for 2 or 3 students to share one iPad with the app on it. Filming continues on in this week after Spring Break. Here are some photos from our adventure.
Wednesday's class brought more learning from the Animation Chefs. Here is a link to their lessons on movie making. The Chefs use index cards for storyboarding purposes and we thought that made sense since it allowed students to rearrange the story in an easy to manage way. Once you have all of the pieces of the storyboard the next step is to decide where your camera will be for each shot. Here is the Chefs's suggestion for locations: Long shots are for settings. Medium shots are for characters. Close ups are of emotions. So on each index card, the students were to draw a picture of the scene, put a number in the top right corner of the card to indicate the card's position in the movie, and in the top left corner they were to put an L, M, or C representing the camera position. Completed storyboards are due at the end of the next class meeting.
Day 1:Erin Krieger and I started working today with her 5th Grade students on developing a concept for their iPadpalooza Film Festival Entries. We began by watching the winners from last year and having students comment on a Today's Meet about the strengths and weaknesses of those videos.
Debbie Smith
Educational Technologist Categories
January 2018